Baptism and Meron

Christian baptism is a “birth of water and soul” (U 3:3 and 5), a “birth from above”, without which no one can see the kingdom of God (U 3:5). It is “The Laundering of the Second Birthday and the Renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5).
In baptism Christianity we are buried with Christ, so that we can do with him as the antique was erected with Christ in baptism (Ro. 6: 3-6), because in baptism we “dress Christ” (Gla. 3:27), it is the entrance to a new life or “grandmother of life” (Ro. 6: 3-6).
In Christian baptism, we are members of Christ’s body, the Church (1 Cor. 12:13; Ephesians). 4:4), all Christians become brothers to Christ equally and members of one body in one spirit (1 cor 12:13). Christian baptism replaced Jewish circumcision, the unmade circumcision of Christ that takes off the body (sins) of mankind (Cole 2:11). It has salvation (1 duck 3:18), and it has the washing and forgiveness of sins (AZ 22:16; AZ 2:38).