Sacred Marriage Secret

“No one has the greatest love of this: to put oneself for their loved ones (John 13:15)
These few words shorten the secret of redemption with their families, because it is the secret of love, stemming from God’s love for humans, and thus the relationship of Christianity with the church.The apostle Paul repeats this picture in his letter to the people of Afsies in Chapter V, in which he likens the relationship of the man to the woman, that is, the marriages, to the relationship of the Christian to the Church: “My Majesty, love your women as I love the Church and her peace 25-26”His goal is love and holiness. Marriage is one of the trails of Holiness and the other of Birch’s, because love is the cornerstone of it. So in the sense of the Bible, if we want to learn the meaning of love, and especially the love of marriage, we have to know how to organize.
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