The Secret of Eucharist (Divine Thanks)


At the last dinner he had for his pupils before his crucifixion and resurrection, Christ founded the secret of Eucharista (a Greek word that means thanks). This secret, which takes place in the Church in all divine sanctities, where the faithful address the body and blood of Christ to unite with Him, and the presence of Christ is real in the secret of Eucharist and participating in it for eternal nights of life.


The idea of the Union was not far from the parents when they addressed the topic of Eucharist, where the Union means Christ and the Union of Believers. For example, St. Ignatius of Antioch (+ 107) recommends to the people of Philadelphia (in present-day Turkey): “Try your effort to have one Eucharist, because the body of our Lord Jesus Christ is one. one is the trophy for his blood unit, one is the altar as well, and one is the bishop with his priests and deacons “. Hence, the Orthodox Church’s emphasis is on establishing no more than one sanctity per day, since one parish is called upon to be one but not several separate units.


Eucharist is Christ’s body and it’s not a dead body, it’s a living body. And our bodies, when you take it with pride, they take life and relate to the lack of patience.


St. Curles of the Archelimi (+ 386) says: “Before they called the Holy Trinity, bread and wine were just ordinary bread and booze. But once this call was made and this dazzling, bread and wine turned into Christ’s body and blood. “

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