Two Seals on the Rock of God (Course of Future Marriages)

About the Program
If God does not build the house, the builders tire (Ps. 127:1).
The Christian Family House arranged for each of our beloved speeches an integrated program that shows each of them what their role is in marriage, how they can walk in a healthy and successful marital relationship to fill their lives with all that is beautiful, and all that is blessed and blessed to walk this small church in the path of salvation, as God God wanted it to
The program is free and compulsory for all those who are willing to marry, as obtaining marriage permission requires the completion of this program
The program will be held at the Cathedral of the Annunciation for Orthodox/Abdali Romans – Amman
We talk in part (both one body) about the importance of the secret of marriage in the church and what is the role of the husband towards his wife spiritually and vice versa As it touches upon the symbols of the service of the sacrament of marriage, then we proceed to the teachings of the Holy Fathers about the sacrament of marriage and the role of couples in the spiritual upbringing of children and emphasizes the importance of the secret to repentance and recognition during the period of engagement and marriage and of having a spiritual father for the family.
The Medical Hub provides health and knowledge education on health issues, including:
Prenuptial examinations as important in detecting chronic and hereditary diseases and avoiding problems that may result therefrom; Encouraging reproductive ability tests and taking the necessary vaccines before marriage.
Pre-pregnancy tests and preventive procedures.
Publicize the concept of healthy nutrition and its foundations and avoid bad habits such as smoking.
Ensure that the necessary vaccines are taken before conception.
Care for pregnant mothers' health to reach safe motherhood and safe childbirth.
Give an overview of urinary and reproductive diseases and methods of prevention and treatment.
Clarify the meaning of safe physical relationships.
Intimate physical relationships in marriage are an important dimension that affects many aspects. A healthy relationship between the spouses is one of the reasons for the partners' success in establishing a happy and blessed family characterized by understanding and internal peace. It is the right of both spouses. It has to adopt plans to have children and to proceed with the construction of their small world, which will be part of their large society. Spouses often encounter some problems in this relationship, most of which, according to the opinions and studies of specialists, are the result of "lack of knowledge of something" and "lack of experience" in these matters, especially as we live in a conservative society, in which even talking can be difficult, sometimes disliking and characterized by shame by people.
However, the problems and differences that we see recurring between the spouses due to poor physical intimacy place on us the duty to educate the young people who are presented to marry about the specificities of the relationship and how to proceed properly and to identify the problems they may face and the solutions available, as well as to educate them about some of the illnesses that may affect one of them and how to deal with them. Since the problem may not be confined only to one of the spouses, it will of course be perceived on both of them, and on the quality of life they will have under the same roof. Therefore, the analysis and subsequent treatment of the matter by the specialists in this field, with the full cooperation of both spouses, will save them and their family members a lot of things and remove the difficulties from their lives and bring them success. Talking about intimate physical life is not just about the subject of "sex", but another aspect of human health and chronic diseases that may suffer from it.
We talk in part about the importance of clarity and openness in the period of engagement and what are the most important topics that we should talk about and recognize as fiancées and then move to marriage and talk about how to overcome the difficulties that the couple faces and how to deal with them. We turn to the readiness to receive the first child and what are the most basic preparations. We also present the topic of the five languages of love. We talk about the psychology of men and women and clarify each other's way of thinking in addition to some practical exercises.
The session "Our Personalities in Marriage" is based on the provision of knowledge to those who are willing to marry in their own right, so that the person, the fiancé and the fiancée, recognizes on a basis in their personalities and natural tendencies; How they think, how they make decisions, how they arrange their lives and priorities, etc. Everyone's hands have some knowledge to influence themselves first in the interest of the relationship. The programme begins by explaining to the discourse the possibilities of similarity and divergence in these foundations and the potential challenges they may entail. The session also provides applied advice on how to transform difference into enrichment and glow of marriage, as a starting point from which the two fiancées can think of healthy solutions in the interest of their marriage
The article deals with the subject of money from a church point of view and definition, in addition to addressing the importance of trading the subject of money management between the fiancées and how to manage it, details of preparing the financial balance at home, some steps to manage the money properly and the importance of the concept of blessing in the conjugal life of the church.
Place and date of birth: Amman 16/9/1959
First Consultant Kidney Surgery, Urology, Reproductive, Infertility and Sexual Health/Private Clinic/Oman
Member of the American and European Urological Association
Member of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Middle East Association for Sexual Health and Treasurer from 2011 to 2015 and Co-Chair/" Outreach Committee "2022-2023
International lecturer for several international and local pharmaceutical companies
Volunteer lecturer in several schools in Jordan in the field of awareness and health education for students
Member of administrative body of the Orthodox Culture and Education Society since 2006-2007
Rapporteur of the High Committee for Youth/Society for Culture and Orthodox Education from 2006 to 2014
Chairman of the Supreme Committee organizing the celebration of the Association for Culture and Orthodox Education in the Golden Bibelha in 2007
Member of the School Committee/Culture and Orthodox Education Society since 2006 and current Rapporteur of the Committee
Rapporteur of the former Teachers and Staff Selection Committee/Culture and Orthodox Education Society
Rapporteur, Health Insurance Committee/Health Adviser, Orthodox Culture and Education Society, 2006-present
Decision of the Committee for the Amendment of the Statute/Orthodox Culture and Education Society/2017-2019
Deputy Rapporteur of the Exemptions Committee/Orthodox Culture and Education Association/2019-2021
Founding Member and Secretary/St. Luke's Health Care Association
Working member of the Orthodox Club and member of the Cultural Committees and Bulletin for several sessions and Chairman of the Cultural Committee from 2021 to date
Volunteer in charity and community service in Jordan since 1993
Married and father to one son
Consultant Gynaecologist Obstetrics and Infertility
Jordanian Board of Women and Obstetrics
Expert on reproductive health issues
Expert on domestic violence issues
Currently Women's Consultant and Private Sector Generation
Specializing in counselling and psychological health.
She has been working in the field of psychological counselling for 16 years. She is one of the founders of the Khatin Programme on the Rock of God in addition to her work in the Orthodox Family Home and following up on family cases in the Church Court. She is currently the head of department in Orthodox Roma schools
Khalil seeks a world and a better life by supporting humans in their highest goals: understanding and achieving themselves, if individuals, husbands, teams, or institutions. Various tools are used to achieve this, most notably personality understanding and leadership systems. MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, which helps people understand themselves more clearly, understand others' personalities for self-building and enrich relationships that are most important in marriage, as well as help people care for different priorities of their lives.
In addition, he is the first Jordanian to join the team of John Maxwell, the world's first teacher and coach in leadership, because of his belief that "by leading we either fall or we pass", especially in the most important types of leadership: the leadership of each person and his influence on himself before it affects others. Khalil also helps people build and follow up their personal development plans and other services that unlock their abilities and help them lead a more similar life. Khalil also works with teams in companies and institutions to operationalize their potential by investing the capabilities and unique skills and talents of their members for the team's benefit.
Khalil's experience is over 20 years in the private sector and civil society. Khalil founded a "maturity space" in Amman-Jordan to contribute as a safe and comfortable place for people to pursue their growth towards a meaningful life.